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do turtles/turquois make good pets?

22 16:46:50


I used to have a pet turtle when I was little. I had several two-inch long babies, two five-inches paired set, and one foot long turtle (all red ear sliders). I loved having them, so I was thinking about going back to this turtle hobby.

I was wondering if turtles or turtquois make good "pets"? Which one is better? With definition of "pets" being affectionate, cuddly, interesting to have, ect. Do they recognize us? Would they follow us around? Is it possible to train them?

What kind of turtles or turquois would you recommend for me? I am still beginner because last time I had turtles was a LONG time ago and I dont think i took the best care for them.. :[[ I do not have a pond and they are going be only indoors. I am a hobby aquarist so I have tanks of all sizes and shapes. I want a turtle/turquois that won't bite. I want a "friend".

Is it easy to care for them? I used to keep my old ones in a little busket and I carried them around everywhere.

I am sorry to take your time, but I am busy, and if they are not good "pets", I cannot spend time on my free time other than my fishessss. :]]]

thank you very much,

Are turtles or tortoises affectionate? No. Cuddly? No, in fact they usually dislike being handled. Recognize us? As a source of food, yes. As a friend, no.

Interesting pets? I think so- more of a fish tank thing than a  cuddly thing.

What would I recommend? Here is a good article on the subject:

Easy to care for? Some are, once you get the habitat set up right- which can run $150-200 easily.

Carried around- I hate to tell you this, but you had Red-ear sliders. These little guys need about 10 gallons of water for every inch of shell length. They need water heated to about 75-80F, good filtration and lighting, and a varied diet. Do things right and they can easily live for 20+ years.

Turtles dislike being held, carried, switched between different habitats, swung, etc.

A couple websites that might help are http://www.redearslider.ocm and