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sick terrapin

22 16:38:27

Hi Mark I own two terrapins who are in excellent health. However recently one of them has got very sick . Her neck is very swollen its bigger then the width of her head. Her neck is white and it covers her shoulders also. Under her neck is red aswell. I have brought her to the vet who put her on antibiotics but there is no improvement.Shes not very active and seems to be in alot of pain. I don't no what is wrong with her and would greatly appreciate it if you could help me with your expertise . I hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely Lyndsey

I'd stick with the vet's care- it sounds like a bad infection. Sadly, these do not always respond well to medications.

You could also be taking this time to keep the ill turtle in a hospital tank- an easily cleaned habitat that offers it lots of quiet space, warm clean water, and good lighting and basking.

A site like or can help as well.