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sick male box turtle

22 16:04:33

Hi, I'm really concerned about my turtle he has stopped eating for a wk and he's very tired. I tried putting him in warm water and he becomes active but when I put him in his cage he goes back in the corner. I called a lot of vets and if they see turtles they won't see box turtles w/o a permit. Please help! I have a female in the same cage and she's fine. PS. Can you give any tips on creating the perfect environment for them. Thank you

DeeDee where you live, is it rewuired to have a permit to house them?
I would recommend you find a vet to help or that you find a rescue and surrender him to them.
I also would seperate them incase he has parasites of something contageous.

Was he wild caught?

You really need to find a vet or a rescue or he can die. Faillure to eat,lethergic hiding these are all signs that he needs help now.
If you send me the info on where you live- only city and state then Ill send you info on rescues that can help. This my friend I am sorry you can not correct without medical help.