Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > I thought it was a RES...

I thought it was a RES...

22 16:47:03

I just bought a turtle, and paid for a Rotbauch Schmuckschildkrote (German, as I live in Germany right now) I tried to translate this and the closest I could come up with was Red Ear Slider (it actually literally means 'Red Bulge Out SmartTurtle') The only problem is it doesn't have red ears... I can take a picture if that would help me identify it.

I should have done more research before I bought it, but I bought everything I need right there, and he (or she) had the best coloring I've ever seen on a turtle shell...

I'm thinking that maybe the red at the ears maybe appears as it grows? It's a tiny thing as there's no 4" law here in Deutschland... please help me identify it, I'd rather not walk back into the pet store with it and ask what exactly I bought, lol...

Actually, it is the Floridian Red-belly cooter. Cooters are related to the sliders and have similar care, but are not generally as attractive as adults.

A care sheet is here:

A photo gallery is here:

By the way, my translation is 'red belly jewel turtle', whcih makes sense for this species.