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turtle making other noises

22 16:03:24

hi i read about a lady having problems about hissing on this website and it sorta helps but my turtle makes like a high pitched crying noise and a few times then stop i origanially had 2 turtles in the same tank and the other turtle kept biting this 1 so i removed him from the tank and now she makes this crying noise. wat can i do? or why is she doing this? plz help

On this site, I do not have ready access to other posts or stuff, so I really don't know what post you are talking about, I also don't know what species of turtle you are talking about.

And, just to make things even more interesting, I don't do water turtle questions, even though I realize that in Australia some water turtles are called tortoises.

I'd suggest a turtle forum, like where you can find several people who would love to help!