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red eared/yellow bellied sliders

22 16:16:09

Hi Yexalen my name's John i recently acquired 3 red eared, as well as 3 yellow bellied sliders. They are all approximately the size of a half dollar, and i absolutely love the little guys! I've purchased a ten inch long fish tank and filled it with water about 3 inches high i was wondering if that's sufficient or if i need to upgrade.

Hello John, the tank is a little too small. The depth is fine but that isn't a lot of space for six turtles. I would suggest a 45 gallon to start out with and upgrade as they grow. Be sure you have a basking area, heat lamp, and UV lighting. A filter helps too.

I don't suggest housing these two species of turtles together but there shouldnt be any problems until they get territorial. They will not be able to be housed together all their lives. Turtle's do not like sharing territories and if you have more then 1 male you are in for territorial and dominance fighting which can eb fatal. You will be able to tell the gender when they reach at least 4 inches long.

Good luck