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Pinkish worms in my red eared sliders poop

22 16:02:19

So just two days ago i saw a little worm looking thing float across my red eared sliders tank. At first i assumed it was remnants of a feeding session or something. But today when i was cleaning my sliders tank i noticed about five or six of them floating around, and through closer inspection there where even tinier ones. I assumes they where midge larvae.There where a light brown in color with some yellow tint, prob about 2mm in size. Not very big at all. So i fed my turtle trying to see if the worm things where internal or not, and when he pooped i saw little pinkish worms seemingly in an earlier stage of development then the ones i saw initially. I can't go to the vet near me because it only does mammals and birds, and there are no vets dealing with reptiles in my area that i know of. I want to know what kind of worms  these could be and whether or not they pose a threat to my red eared slider. (my r.e.s is a baby)

Hi Cass,

If you actually saw worms in your turtle's poop, then he probably has a pretty good infestation.  You really need to get a fecal done and appropriate treatment.  Any vet should be able to do the fecal and ID the parasites, and then should be able to consult with a herp vet for medication and dosage.  You can also check here for a local vet:  If there's a herp society anywhere near you, check with them for vet recommendations, too.

One word of warning:  don't allow any vet to treat your turtle with ivermectin.  It's a treatment that's used for dogs and cats, and some reptiles, but it's fatal to turtles and tortoises.  Good luck!