Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > how many gallons?

how many gallons?

22 16:14:15

I have a 50 gallon pond. Can I house 2 western or eastern painteds together in it? Will males fight if I keep them together even though they are community turtles? Is the pond too small for two females? How much land/basking space do I need?
(I'm new to turtle keeping. Haha!)

A 50 gallon pond would be right for a single adult Painted Turtle, but is a bit tight for 2- we usually figure about 10 gallons per inch of shell length, and an adult Painted is about 6" long.

You don't need a lot of basking space- just enough for the turtle to get totally out of the water in a safe way.

You can learn more at or

Good luck!