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Cleaning tank

22 16:16:08

I have 2 (3") RES in a 40 gal tank w/ about 5" of water.  Our filter is probably not big enough but I change the filter about once a week.  Can I put snails in the tank to help clean it?  Is there any down side to doing this?

Hello Diana, a bigger or better filter will help keep down the mess. But the turtles will eat the snails. They are natural prey for the turtles and a great meal. That would be the only downside I can see besides the chance of spreading parasites or other diseases. Turtle's will eat just about any fish or snail, or crab or anythign else that gets put in the tank that is living and smaller then them.

Its best to just get a powerful filter along with the weekly cleaning of the tank.

Good luck