Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > asn turtle

asn turtle

22 16:14:46

we have asn and it is digging in the rocks agine last time it stayed there for 2 days we thought it layed eggs but we did not see anything.  now it's at it agine what's it doing?

I dunno- is it doing it under water? They never nest or lay eggs underwater- that would be due to small space or stress. Is it doing it on the land? It may be a poorly set-up tank since they don't really want much land in a good habitat.

Without knowing the size or approximate age of the turtle, and details of the set up, I am just guessing.

You might want to try where there are several experienced keepers that might be able to help, and where it is easier to post questions and answers back and forth.