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possible shell injury

22 16:15:27

I own a painted turtle that is approximately 4 years old. He is in good health. He is going though a molting process and while I was cleaning the tank I noticed that there is a separation between the plates on his back. When I picked him up to look at his shell I peeled back one of the finger nail like flakes of shell that normally comes off in a molt. When this happened it appeared that the coloring on his shell came off as well, much like a wet piece of tissue paper. Later when he was basking I noticed some blood in that spot and what appears to be bone where the color was. This spot is small less than a centimeter square (the turtle is just over 3 inches long on the under side) I am deeply attached to this turtle and the thought that my action may have harmed him in any way is weighing heavily on me. Is there any thing that I can to to speed his recovery? I currently have moved him to a dry bucket and have cleaned the spot with a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide applied with an eye dropper.
Please help if you can.

This sounds like it may be a touch of shell rot. There is a good article on it here:

Give that a try, and/or chat with some other experienced keepers at for some other opinions that might help.

Good luck!