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RES behavior question

22 16:38:47

I have had two RES for about 7 months, I got them when there were hatchlings. And everythings been fine but all of a sudden my smaller one has climbed on the landing and will not get off. I'm afraid it'll stay up there until it dries out completely. I've placed him back in the water a few times but he just climbs right back up. It's usually pretty jumpy but I can get face to face with it and it won't budge. Is something wrong? Is it really a female and is trying to lay eggs? I'm not sure what's going on at all so any info would help alot. Thank you.

RES usually don't mate or lay eggs until about 4 years old.

The most likely reason for this is that it is trying to stay warm. This species likes water temps of about 75-80F and basking sites of about 90F. If it is hogging the heat, the rest of the tank may be too cold.

Check out for other advice that might help.