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Yellow bellied sliders help

22 16:17:33

Hi ive had 2 yellow bellied sliders for around a year now id say and so far they've been fine. i believe one is a female who is much larger with a fatter tail and pointier scales at the back and one is a male who is tiny with a much smoother shell and more bowl like shell, but the female has always been seemingly high strung and doesn't seem pleased with there tank while the male seems more or less fine its a 3 foot by 1 foot by 1Foot 3 tank and she is close to about6 inches in length and about 2 or 3 wide. the water level is about an inch taller than her pointing straight up and ive been wondering how i can make then happier because she seems to do nothing other than swim into the glass wall which ive heard is a sign of unhappiness with the habitat, also she hates the bowl we place them in to feed them and always spends her time either trying to climb out or climbing out so we've just been feeding her by hand in the tank while the male doesn't seem to mind the bowl at all which adds to my worry that the tank is just to small for her. so i was wondering is it time i bought them a bigger tank and if so what size would you recommend for them to be pleased in. thank you very much

We want three things for most turtles...

1. Good water...
- about 10 gallons of actual water per inch of shell length- big, deep pools are good! These guys love to swim.
- temps of about 75-80F in the water
- water cleaned with a powerful filter, and a weekly change of about 1/4th of the water.

2. Good sun...
- safe, accessible basking sites- avoid rock and soil.
- warm basking sites to about 90F
- light the tank well. UVB bulbs are good if you can use them.
- about 12 hours of light a day

3. Good food...
- about 1/2 good brand pellets
- up to about 3-4", rest of diet is live or frozen/thawed 'fish food' like small fish, shrimp, krill, worms, insects, beef heart, etc.
- as they age, add in greenery- water plants, duckweed, dark leafy greens

We used to recommend separate feeding tanks, but rarely do that anymore. With a good diet,proper portions, ad a good filter it is just not necessary and adds a lot of stress.

Give a try for more ideas.

Good luck!