Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > red slider turtle grey spot on arm/elbow

red slider turtle grey spot on arm/elbow

22 16:04:09

QUESTION: we have a five year old red slider that we keep in a baby pool in the summer time in Pasadena, CA.  we noticed he has a light gray spot about 1/4 by 1/4 inch on his "elbow".  it is flush, no shedding, transparent.  what can it be?  he has two pool mates, babies about three months old.  they are healthy.  his behavior hasn't changed.  he suns on the rocks in the pool and eats his pellets and an occasional goldfish.

ANSWER: This can be a fungal growth. It could also be a area he has injured in some manor Can you send me a picture?

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My turtle
My turtle  
QUESTION: yes i can. And do you have any suggestions about what we could do about it?

ANSWER: This looks like a old burn or injury like it is trying to heal. Has your res been bit or scratched.

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QUESTION: Well yesterday i found him out of his pool hiding. I think that my 3month old golden retriever thought he was a toy so my turtle bit him and hid. But nothing ever happened before that.

The shelled and dogs rarely mix well! I have 30 plus tortoises in rescue now and 30 plus aquatic and can tell you my dogs are not allowed around them unless Im there and still we tend to not allow it. Just enough that htey know theyare there and smell them etc ut other than that not at all. We want them to know the scent so if they ever got out, they would not hurt them. they would know they belong there.

Id just keep an eye on the area and if it gets worse then we can look at the possibility of a infection.
Keep me posted!

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