Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > TURTLE LAID EGGS


22 16:16:02

My partner and I have a summer place on Grass Lake In Illinois. We watched her lay she did last summer, she laid eggs, but a "creature" dug them up. This year they have been undisturbed for a week. What is the time frame for them to hatch. We believe she is a Painted or Glider turtle. Any thing special we should do, Or just let nature take its course. This has happened for several years, but we never see "babies". Any info you can offer would be beneficial!

The average time is 2-3 months, but it can take from 20-320 days depending on many factors.

You might put some chicken wire or chain-link over the site, but it is generally best to just leave it alone.

You will rarely see the hatch- they usually happen at night, and many of the babies will remain in the nest so they can all come out at once and hide quickly.

Good luck!