Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Will my new baby slider turtle survive on it own?

Will my new baby slider turtle survive on it own?

22 16:46:40

My mom got me a baby red eared slider two days ago. I have researched turtles so i new what i was getting into but, she did not. :( So when she found out how much care they would need she said it would be best to set it free into a pond. We just let it go today in a pond at our local park. It is only a little bigger than a quarter. I am still very worried about it being able to live on it's own... :( Can someone please tell me its chances of survival?

If it survives the cold temps this time of year in most places, and avoids predators, disease, and stress, then finds food and shelter it should be OK. I really can't give odds without knowing more about the park.

It is not really a good idea to release animals into the wild. It sounds like a humane thing to do but it really is not. Sometimes you can offer the animal back to the pet shop, or put up flyers offering it for free to another home.