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Biting Turtle

22 16:38:48

My red eared slider has been biting his paw and has left a mark or wound. We don't Know if its an affection,but it only bugs him when he is in the water. It is hard to find a vet that takes care of turtles in my area. I don't know what to do, please help.

Hmmm.... treating the injured foot will be fairly easy, figuring out why it is biting it will be tougher.

To treat the foot:
1. Review the turtle cares at a good site like to make sure everything is rock solid. Make whatever adjustments are needed.
2. Swab the injury with Betadine Solution, keep the turtle out of the water for about 2 hours to let it dry and work.
3. If the wound looks raw or sore, add some antibiotic ointment as well.
4. Boost water temps about 5 degrees, from 75-80F to about 80-85F while it is being treated.
5. Repeat the Betadine and antibiotic daily until the wounds are healing.

Why is it biting itself? To deal with a bad itch or other irritation? Still no good idea on this. Let's treat the injury and see what happens.