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Size of a 2 year old

22 16:17:39

I was just wondering what the size of a 2 year old red-eared slider should be. My little guy is about the size of my hand with fingers. I dont know if he should be that large or not. I use to have a turtle about 8 years ago that never grew. this one keeps on growing

Sounds great to me. Our rescued RES is about a year old and covers my palm. Get used to it, because RES turtles get bigger and bigger. If he is taken care of right, he should not stop until he is about the size of a dinner plate at 8-10 inches or so in about 3-4 more years. By that time you had better have a plan for an outdoor pond enclosure or a several hundred gallon tank.  

Your previous turtle, probably did not grow because it may have sadly been kept improperly. It should still be alive 8 years later, as these turtles may live for 20 years or more. At about 4-6 years old they are just getting into sexual maturity. You need proper temps, UVB lighting, and diet in order for them to grow like they should, and for long life.

Make sure you have decent UVB lighting ( not just UV lighting ), a dry basking area with a basking heat lamp with temperatures in the high 80s-low 90s, water temps of at least 75F, filtered/dechlorinated tank water, filtration rated for at least twice the capacity of the tank, and a proper diet composed of more than just pellets. Excessive protein from commercial processed foods may lead to excessively paced growth, shell deformities, and other health problems. A growing RES needs fresh foods too such as earthworms, crickets, seaweed, duckweed, or anacharis. Our also enjoys occasional grated fruits, squash, and greens.

Your RES is normal size and should get much larger.