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my eastern box turtle

22 16:15:54

I live with my friend and she has 2 daughters 14 and 15 and a boy that is almost 2. I live in the basement and my eastern box turtle is in a 50 gallon tank in my room of the basement. I have lived here for almost 2 months and just recently the boy has had diarrhea. Noone but me goes down to my room and I rarley touch her and when I do I always wash my hands. The little boy has never seen or came in contact with it. My tutrle has been with me for 5 years and no one has ever gotten sick from her. I purchased her through a exotic pet shop for 150$ did my turtle give the little boy salmonella? They have 2 dogs one which just had babies in the little boys room and he drinks milk like crazy. Whole milk. I don't know it sounds loopy to me and they want me to get rid of her and I'm attached and very sad, please help if can.

Salmonellosis symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, cramps, and fever. Diarrhea itself is not usually a sign.

Salmonella, the actual germ, is present in fecal material and other things. The fecal material is the issue with turtles- water turtles tend  to live in their own soiled water, and are often wild-caught for the pet trade in waste water treatment ponds. (Box turtles are not a major carrier.)

In most homes, Salmonella is more common in things like:
- room-temp eggs and chicken, like egg or chicken salad, etc.
- the 'juices' of most meats
- meat and dairy products improperly refrigerated or cooked

The germs can also be found on money, doorknobs, light switches, etc.

In ALL cases of Salmonella poisoning (Salmonellosis), it requires direct contact with the germ or contaminated surface- the germs do not float in the air or move around on surfaces. The question would then be how did the child come in contact with the turtle or its germs?

You may want to look over this site for Salmonella:

Check out this site for box turtle care: