Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > is my RES dead?

is my RES dead?

22 16:06:41

hey Jeannie! hers's the thing: when i got home today one of my two baby turtles (3 months old) wasn't moving at all. i restored the water temperature to ~30degC but the one is still not moving even though it didn't seem to have drowned; the strange thing is that the other one is acting perfectly normal. i then poked it softly but there was no response... is there anything i can do or is it dead? help...
thanx in advance...

Hi Maria,

It doesn't sound good.  Try gently tugging on a leg.  If the turtle is alive, it will resist and pull back.  If there is no resistance, your turtle is probably dead.  Wrap it in a towel and put it in a box for a few hours.  At that point, it should be pretty obvious if it's still alive or not--the eyes will start to sink in, etc.  Unfortunately, even if your turtle is alive, that level of lethargy is a very bad indication and it probably won't survive much longer.  I'm very sorry.