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Gopher Tortoise shell damage

22 16:14:04

I love all animals so very much, so I was very sad and upset when my otherwise-wonderful Labrador got to a small gopher-turtle before I could stop him. I rescued the turtle as quickly as I could, but unfortunately there was one damaged spot, a tooth-sized puncture-hole in the top shell, and it did start bleeding a little.  Not knowing what else to do, I put it in its little burrow and have kept my Labrador away from it (the burrow is in our back yard).  At this point, is there anything I could/should try to do for the little gopher tortoise?  Will his shell repair a small damaged-spot like that?
Thanks for your help.

It should recover nicely.

You may want to contact your state wildlife agency about the tortoise. In many states, they are protected by law and the state agency would be interested in knowing about it- knowing how many there are is a big part of protecting them!

Good luck!