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sunlight question

22 16:16:33

I want to build an enclosure for a tortoise (specifically a red-footed) outside.  I live in West Central Florida, which is a great climate for them.  However, the location I have to build the enclosure is not in direct sunlight, though it is outside. It gets some sun towards the later part of the day, but for the most part it does not get direct sun.  Us Floridians know that you can sunburn in the shade down here, so the UVA/B rays are strong! We are in full blown summer and it's hot (over 90 degrees lately with 80 percent humidity). Is this a good idea for a tortoise, or should I scrap the whole idea?

I have kept turtles and tortoises before, but never outside.  

Thanks for your help!

Sounds great... as long as they have plenty of cooler, shady hiding places or a burrow of some sort to hide in (if you have a bit of a hillside, think about burying some ceramic drain tiles or something to make a cooler hiding place).

Lack of direct sun is not an issue- these guys generally shun bright light and seek shade in the heat of the day. In many parts of their range, they are in shadow (warm, humid shadow) most of the day.

Try for more ideas.

Good luck!