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Painted turtle attacked by dog

22 16:30:11

A western painted turtle (I think)  wandered into my pond in July and has been doing well.  He got out and my akitas (large dogs) attacked him today and he has a punctured shell and scales and is oozing blood from his top shell.  At this time I cannot determine if he has other injuries but it does not appear so.  How do I care for him and how soon if ever should I release him into a near by lake.  I believe he/she is an adult that was found at a local lake by neighbors.  We are in Washington State and temperatures are getting colder.  I do not have any way for it to burrow as my pond is lined in rubber.  Please help.

Simple punctures and such in wild turtles are generally best treated by Mother Nature- catching and keeping the turtle would cause on-going stress.

If it can freely leave the pond, just leave it alone. If it cannot, release it to a nearby pond.

Good luck!