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redear slider

22 16:17:21

I have a redear slider turtle and we have had it for  five days..and all of a sudden this morning and afternoon it has been making weird noises. What does this mean?

Hello Abby, if the noise is a hissing sound, like a cat makes then it is his way of saying he is frightened or feels threatened. Something he sees is bothering him. Usually mature males make this sound more often then young turtles or females but they can all do it. If it is a clicking, wheezing, or coughing sound it could be a possible Respiratory infection which would need medical attention as soon as possible, to get him on correct medications. Sometimes medicine is not needed but more then often it is. It is caused by low temperatures, breezes, or inadequate basking area. It is just like us humans get colds, throat colds, sinus colds etc. But it can get severe just like it does with us. So raise the temperatures a bit. Be sure that you read up on RI (I attached a link below) and be sure that you find the correct temperatures and raise the air and water temperature 10F. This will help heal but it could just as with humans again sometimes rest and our body giving us a fever will get rid of the cold but other times it does require medication. More often it requires a vet for turtles then just extra heat. So be sure to take him in before it gets too serious.

But again if its just a hissing noise its normal but you should find out what is scaring him, if you are picking him up it will most likely hiss (like mine do) if it sees maybe a pet cat or dog it can hiss, or if he just doesn't feel comfortable around people that he still isn't sure if they are predator or not.

Here is the link I promised you: (be sure to check all symptoms:

Best of Luck and I hope its nothing serious,