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Tank size

22 16:05:37

Would a 55 gal tank be acceptable for an adult male mississippi map and a adult male southern painted

Hello Elyse great question.

For me personally, Id say no that I would not do it.  For the Miss. Map sure but the painted turtles can get size to them and I think a 55 would limit the movement. However, another issue that could possible arrise is territory. You are attempting to leave two male diffrent  species together and this can become an issue. So please monitor the behavour and address if needed.

A 55 gallon tank although it seems big can be sufficent for the time being if needed and see how they adjust. If they seem ok and you see no signs of depression, not eating, aggression then other arrangements must be made.
Dont forget the water has to be 3 times the turtle size so if your turtle was to stand on its back feet, the water should be 3 times that.So if he is 5 inches long if on his feet than the water needs to be 15 inches deep for example.  Also the basking areas etc do you have all that ready as well?.

Best to you