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Vet tests

22 16:39:12

Two weeks ago I went to a veterinarian and payed more than $200.00 for a respiratory infection. I called their office last week to find out the results of a white cell blood profile test ($70.00) and I was only told by the staff that the doctor said that he should be fine with the current antibiotics prescribed. I asked some questions that she could not answer. I asked her to have a copy of the test results in order to get familiar with the test because I was not getting enough information. I noticed that there was a lot of reluctance to it. She said someone will call me back and no one did.

My question is; Is it a common practice for veterinarians to keep the blood test results, x-rays and other types of  results and not give copies to the customer?

I will like to have my own records of their treatments and maybe with the use of the internet I could learn more from the data I get as the vets do not have the time to do any lengthy research.

Do you think it will be proper to ask to have copies of the tests and perhaps take pictures of the x-rays?  Should they charge me more for these type of things?

I am not a vet, nor do I have any insight into their common practices. I am not even sure what rights we have to our own records a medical clinics.

RI's are tough to treat, even for dedicated keepers, experienced vets, etc. Antibiotics also cannot usually help deal with the primary issue- a viral infection. Antibiotics are usually administered as a supplemental treatment for secondary infections that the turtle can pick up.

Hopefully you were given some home care guidelines such as boosting tank temps and minimizing stress.