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Golden Greek Tortoise not feeling well?

22 16:05:25

I have a beautiful golden greek tortoise that I found about 3 years ago. For about the past month, she has been EXTREMELY inactive - which I assumed was maybe some sort of hibernation. Today she finally came out of her box and her head is colored very dark and the skin around her eyes is peeling. She looks dehydrated to me also. I gave her some romaine lettuce and tomatoes which she refused and now she is back to sleep. I don't remember her going into hibernation last year, but we were also in a warmer climate. Can u advise?
Thank you :)

True hibernation (technically it is 'brumation') occurs under very specific conditions, such as temps just above freezing.

You are describing more of a torpor, a sleepy state that is probably due to too low of temps, but not true brumation. In torpor, the animal is still burning calories, etc. They often become ill, dehydrated, etc. in this condition.

I would also point out that Romaine and tomatoes are not considered a good diet for most tortoises.

It sounds like the best plan would be to review the basic care needs of the species and see if it recovers when it is getting the right temps and such, then evaluate any lingering health issues.

Give the site a try to start, and/or swing by to chat with other Greek keepers who can offer more help.