Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > i think my turtle is pregnate

i think my turtle is pregnate

22 16:05:37

hi umm i just got my turtle 2 weeks ago and i dont know how old they are. but i think they are a boy and gil because my brothers turtle has been mating with mine alot and my trutle frela is scraching at walls eating all of the food i put in for both of them. and going in corners and scraching at rocks making holes. wich is diffrent cause when i got her she didnt eat or do anything she just sat there and she really likes to be by her mate she follows him everywere and he follows her.

Hey Meghan,
It is very possible that she may be about to lay eggs which is a condition called being "gravid". You are going to need to give her a nesting box that she can lay her eggs in.

You can find all the information for breeding turtles at this website:

Hopefully this is helpful to you!
