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22 16:05:36

I found a baby turtle in my front yard yesterday while i was pulling weeds and fertilizing the lawn. I already had a 30 gallon aquarium with rocks and plants and all that so i decided to keep the baby. All morning i have been trying to figure out what it is. From the shell it looks like a Florida red belly. But from its belly it looks like nothing i can find. It has a bright yellow belly with black rings/spots all over it. Its a beautiful turtle, and being the animal lover i am, i want to keep it. But i also want to make sure I'm taking care of it the best way i can, but i cant do that until i know what it is. On a side note: It has no right eye? Should i worry about this?

There are several species that are similar, and the baby's markings often shift as they grow. Try posting a photo at or looking in the World of Turtles gallery at

The missing eye is not usually a problem.

Both sites above can also help with the proper cares once it is identified.