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RES water preferencese

22 16:02:39

Hi. I have a RES who perfectly normal in other behavior except he does not enjoy being in warm water, even the slightest luke warm water. He will only go in if it is room temp or cold. I dont think this is normal cause I've read that they need to be in warm water at all times. What are your thoughts on this strange habit?

Hi Rose,

The water should actually be in the 75 degree range, give or take a couple of degrees.  If it feels warm to you it's far too warm, because our skin temperature is 98.6 degrees, so warm to the touch is hotter than that.  There should be a basking spot of about 88-90 degrees, but the water temperature should always be 10-15 degrees cooler.  I don't know where you read that they should be in warm water, but it's not correct.  Your turtle is being very normal by avoiding water that is too warm.

Here's some care information you might want to read over: