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feeding baby red footed tortoise

22 16:02:48

QUESTION: I was given a 4 month old baby red footed tortoise and I was wondering if it is normal for him to only eat every other day. when he does eat he eats really well. Thanks for any help.

ANSWER: Hello I would definatly try to feed daily. At this age they need to have food available constantly and a great balanced diet.
What are you feeding him?
Please also tell me about his enclosure so I may direct you in the proper care and direction.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am feeding my baby tortoise collard greens,endive,romaine lettuce,carrots,apples,and bananas.I am only feeding fruit every other day.I am feeding him once in the morning every day. His enclosure is a 55 gallon aquarium, sphagnum moss for bedding.  The warm end is kept at around 88 to 90 degrees,cool end around 80 degrees.I have been trying  to keep the humidity at around 80 to 85 percent.I do have a problem keeping the humidity up where it should be.I have the top screen completely covered in plastic except for where the lights are and I still have to spray the enclosure several times a day.I am thankful for all your help. Debbie

Hello Debbie,

We need to get him out of a glass tank. They do not allow circulation and therefor can cause upper resp infections. and other issues to arrise.
The cheapest and funnest way is to take a standard bookshelf, turn it on the back side, remove shelves and walaa you can set it up. Use the sides of the book shelf to accomidate lighting and you have a great set up.

If you feed fruit every other day that is fine. The grazing is important as well therefor you may want to add orchard grass to the diet on both.

Please ask away Im here to help