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Is it time??

22 16:39:49

Hi, about 11 years ago I purchased a 1 ince red ear slider turtle for 95 cents at a street fair. Today he is 4 inches wide and his name is Danny. He is really friendly and he also reacts to my voice and loves being held and petted. Although he seems perfectly healthy I have two important questions. Ive read some answers that says to feed them every other day with servings 1-3 times the size of there heads however Danny loves to eat. If I stand at his tank all day and feed him he will not stop eating. Is this normal and is he ok? Should I continue feeding him because he's hungry? My next question is that after 11 years Danny has never mated or come in contact with another turtle so I've been looking into this option. Is this an ok choice? Will he get along with a female and what are the odds they will mate? Thanks with any help you can offer!

Danny is, like most Red-ears, a pig. If you continue to overfeed him he will become obese (if he is not already) and have severe health problems. A healthy turtle can pull its head and all limbs fully into the shell.

Mating Red-ears is easy enough, but they rarely lay eggs the right way in home set-ups. Personally, I would not go through the headaches- this is not an endangered species.

Don' worry a lot about Danny being alone. After 11 years, he is used to it!