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turtle compatability

22 16:15:44

i have a res turtle and a spiny soft shelled turtle they r doing fine getting along perfectly but i kinda want TO GET A alligator snapping turtle but idk if they get along can you tell me if they do get along and if not, tell me what other turtles get along with spiny soft shelled turtles and res turtles (all my turtles are younger than a month old except for the spiny soft shell she is   1/2 a year old)would they get along plz  help your the best

Hello Brandon, you need to separate the RES and the S. soft shell. They have very different requirements and are very territorial animals. Once they mature it is very likely they will try to kill eachother over territory. Especially if you have two males. I suggest you separate them as soon as possible.

And no, an Alligator Snapping Turtle will also be very territorial and definately try to kill anybody intruding in his home.

All these turtles must be housed separately.

Sorry for being so blunt

Good luck