Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > red-eared slider (tumor?)

red-eared slider (tumor?)

22 16:39:22

One of my 3 sliders has had a growth on its cheek-neck/ear for little more than a year-? At first it was on both sides of head, then one day I noticed it was only on one side. Over many months it continued to get bigger and bigger. Last week it seemed to be popping and it looked like a planters wart with the circular spirals, a few days later it has totally flattened and now there is just a tiny white little stump.
What do you think?

This is probably an ear infection, although it could be a bot fly infestation or an abcess.

This is usually a big problem and can indicate several problems with health or basic cares. You may want to try and their Medical Care section for ideas.