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painted turtle egg

22 16:38:34

Hey Mark!
My turtle hatched an egg how long does it take to hatch?
Answer soon thanks!

If the egg is fertile, between 20 and 340 days (yes, almost a year in some rare cases), with 2-3 months being average.

Most eggs laid in home set-ups will not be fertile. Some indicators of an infertile egg include:
- laid in water
- laid on top of the ground
- only a few eggs laid (average nest would be 12-24)
- no access to a male turtle in over 3 years
- young or small turtle (under about 6 years old or about 6" long) The younger and smaller, the more likely the egg is infertile.
- first nests or clutches of eggs are also often infertile.

In short- it is pretty hard to get a fertile egg in the average home setup- but if you get one, it needs to be properly incubated.

Try this article for incubation tips: