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Set up

22 16:20:22

Hey sara i have a 20 gallon fish tank and i wanted to try and get a red ear slider.  The problem is i do not know how to set up my tank. Can you help and i also want a turtle that is completely aquatic no land, can you also name so types of completely aquatic turtles too?

Hello Tie,

I'm not particular familiar with questions regarding tanks, but I found one site that might be useful to you. You can see the link below:

It's some very well-described information about how to set up a proper habitat for your red-eared slider.

As for your other question, the "Painted turtle" (Chrysemys picta) is a turtle similar to the red-eared one. Then there's the map-turtles, "Graptemys" with a number of different species (For all the species, visit the ).

I hope some of this information might be useful to you, good luck with your turtle!
