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My Reeves turtle has been missing for two weeks.

22 16:20:22

I have a Reeve's turtle (Asian species) who is about a year old.  He went missing from my 30-gallon tank about two weeks ago.  I have torn my apartment apart looking for him, but to no avail.  I was wondering how long turtles can live without food and water.  Also, should I keep looking, or is it pointless at this point?  Thank you for your help.

Hello Joanna,

Turtles and Tortoises can live for many weeks without any food. But when it comes to the water, It's a little more difficult since their kidneys probably would start taking damage if they don't drink - But I would say they'll make it for around a few weeks before the lack of water will effect them.

Are you sure that you looked in every single spot in your apartment? They're pretty good at finding very small spaces to hide.
But to be totally honest with you, if your turtle has gone out from your apartment, the chance of finding it is unfortunately not very good. It's not only the lack of water that is dangerous to them, but the lack of warmth as well.
So my tip for you is to continue looking around in the apartment.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you will find him, good luck.
