Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Swollen body(legs)

Swollen body(legs)

22 16:03:22

I have a Russian tortoise and the last few days it seems like his legs(body) have become swollen? he is still eating fine and seems alert but it look wrong. Do you have any ideas?

Hi Tracey,

It would help if you could post a very clear picture of him so I could see what you mean.  If it's something that's come on in just the past few days, there's cause for concern.  The swelling you're describing is likely edema (fluid retention) and not normal, but I can't say for sure what's causing it.  If it continues, you should take your tortoise to a good herp vet for diagnosis.  In the meantime, review your husbandry to make sure you have him set up correctly:

Roomy, open enclosure (no tanks)
Good source of heat and UVB (bulb), with basking spot of 90-95 and cool temperature of 70-75
Best substrate is a 50/50 mix of coir and playsand, kept a little damp
Water dish available at all times
Diet is a good mix leafy greens and weeds, with no vegetables or fruits and no commercial foods