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two of my turtles

22 16:04:45

My two largest water turtles have been caught fighting and i dont know what i should do. my red ear slider is about 4 inches, maybe alittle biger, and the othere, i do not know the species, is about the same. the red ear slider, sponge, was caught biting the others neck, we believe they are both males. the two of them, sponge's twin red ear slider thats only about half his size, one of the same species as the one being bitten, another that we dont know the species of, and my box turtle, teddy, share a pond anout 2 feet deep and 4 to 6 feet across at the longest poing and about 2 to 4 feet wide, with grassy area with bushes for teddy. what should i do about the two of them fighting. i love all 7 dearly and dont want any hurt.

hello I sent you an answer already but It sent me the qque again so I think maybe the system had an error.
Im sorry i tyr to answer right away

When you see neck biting, arms flying in front of the other face etc it is usually a mating dance or an issue of territory

Is there an option of seperating them for a period of time?
It is possible that one is a female and gravid. Male can be territorial.

give them seperate places to hang out or things to do. you can try to move things around intheir enclosure to cause slight confusion and then maybe they will re-establish territory