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Eye Problem with Red Eared slider

22 16:17:24


I had recently rescued 3 Red eared slider from a highway, adding to a family of 5 already existing. 2 of them are fine and doing well and ready to released back. However one them is around 6 inches long and have a small white spot at the center of the eye (Both eyes), however here is no swelling or any other problem. She is basking well, but not having anything. Gave the reptile eye care treatment and saline water bath, though no change is being observed. Please help ...


ANSWER: Hello Saugata,
Eye problems is usually the beginning of any kind of an infection
so the most important is to maintain a clean habitat for the turtle, to keep it warm and to provide it with a well-balanced diet.
You could also try to use some Gentocin drops for the eyes
(You can usually get these drops from a vet). Also, make sure to keep the eyes clean from dirty substrate.

Best wishes

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

I do understand and I will be providing the treatment with Gentocin drops for the eyes from tomorrow, however she is also not having food, for last 7 days, other than a bite or two of Ipomea leaves. She is not responding to Reptile pellets, nor crickets nor krill. Please advice.


ANSWER: Hello Saugata,

It can be really difficult to make a turtle eat, but the best
thing to do is to vary the food as best as you can.
Worms, crickets, snails, aquatic plants and beans are a few examples of good food. It is also ok to give the turtle some boiled chicken a couple of times / week. That's usually very appreciated. However, I wouldn't recommend to force-feed the turtle. It can cause some serious damage to the turtle.

Finally, make sure to keep your turtle warm, in case if he has an infection.
Good luck!

Best wishes

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Here in India, I'm not getting Gentocin, what I got was Gentamicin. Please do let me know whether both are same, so that I can go ahead with the drug.


Hello Saugata,

No, they're not the same, unfortunately. Gentamicin is usually not recommended to be used systemically in reptiles, since it have been associated with numerous reports of renal toxicity.
If it's possible, you should really try to find Gentocin instead.

Best wishes