Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Science Project

Science Project

22 16:03:51

I wanted to know if it was possible for turtles to change colors. And if so, what would trigger this color change? Is it a defense? Environment related? Or in the diet? Depending on the answer you give me, I would like to purchase a turtle and see if I could get a result. I have no intentions in harming the reptile, and I'm an experience pet owner and have also taken care of a turtle, so I will take care of it as if it were a regular pet and not an experiment if there is any concern. And also, if there is a specific type of turtle I can purchase that would be more likely to change colors, could you recommend one? Thank you!

Hi Erin,

Since I gather from the subject note that this is a homework assignment, you should be doing your own research and I'm afraid I'm not going to just give you the answers you're looking for.  However, I will tell you that there has been at least one study on this subject, and information on it is readily available online with a basic search.  You should be able to find answers to your questions without too much effort.  Good luck with your project.