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russian tortise

22 16:15:09

hi i have a Russian tortoise I'm not sure how old it is, the shell is about 6 inches from front to back. i recently moved into a much smaller apartment and have not been able to take him out of the pen. yesterday i noticed he was not using his back legs to walk with. He is just dragging them along. if i touch them hell move them but he wont use them to walk. he usually eats lettuce, carrots, cucumber,apples, orsometimes bananas but i noticed hes not eating as much. Is this a serious problem or is it because he hasn't been exercised much?

Dragging back legs is often a serious problem with their nerves- often due to a shortage of certain vitamins and nutrients. I notice your diet is very 'wet' and sugary rather than the drier and more fibrous foods they need.

You can try the vet, but I also know of many instances where tortoises like this have been rescued and rehabbed by some 'tough love'. The site has great care information that works nicely when followed. has good stuff as well.

Give their instructions a try for a couple weeks and see if you see an improvement. If not, you should see a vet.

You can try to chat with other keepers and try for some second opinions.

Good luck!