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Turtle Scraped Foot

22 16:02:13

Today I took one of my two red eared sliders out of their tank to clean it and discovered what appears to be a scrape on the bottom of their back foot. It's red in some spots and pink in others and it looks tender. I'm really worried and I don't know how to tell whether it's infected or not. Either way, could you tell me how to care for it? Are there any foods or topical treatments that could help it heal? Thanks so much.

Emma,    Dechlorinate some water unless you have well water than don't worry about it. Heat it abit so it as close to tank temp. Go to your petshop and get some Melafix. Make a gallon or two up and get a dishpan put about 4 inches in there and soak your slider a couple times a day. You don't want to add this to their habitat it can be abit of an eye irritant sometimes. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic and all natural made from tea tree oils. Do not use anything topical you don't want anything floating in your water that may be dangerous. Make sure right now try to keep tank tank temp up abit right now to around 78 to 80 for a week. It will help it your slider heal quicker. Make sure you keep the tank VERY clean right now!!!!! Take out sharp rock if he scraped himself.....and Good Luck, Tina