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African Sulcata

22 16:04:05

My sulcata recently, while defecating, has an extended penis.  It seems to be
painful to him when retracting it.  There is a pinkish color on his supracaudal
around this area.  I am in the process of building a larger habitat.  The area
where he marches is dirt and can be dusty.  This is the only new factor in his
environment.  Can you help, I am very concerned?  

Hi Karen,

Male tortoises will often flash while emptying their cloacas, but if the penis is not retracting fully or at all there may be a problem.  The pinkish color is worrisome as well.  If it's on/in the shell itself, there may be a systemic infection going on and it should be treated by a vet immediately.  Check his plastron carefully for any other pink areas.  Also check his urates (the white stuff) for dryness, as this indicates dehydration and may also indicate that he has a bladder stone he's trying to pass.  Urates should be soft and creamy to clear/liquid.  Any straining while emptying the cloaca would be another sign.  Sulcata shouldn't be kept completely dry to prevent dehydration, and should always have access to water they can soak in.  If you have concerns that your tortoise may have an infection or a bladder stone, I would take him to the vet and have him checked out.  An x-ray can determine if there are internal issues that are causing a problem.