Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > California Desert tortoise (saw something really strange today

California Desert tortoise (saw something really strange today

22 16:14:50

I have had Daisy for three years... she wondered into our yard and has been
here ever since.  She has grown and seems to be happy & healthy!  I usually
see her poop after the fact.  Today I saw her poop and Isaw this huge (looked
like a (size of her biggest poop) thing come from her body... it was attached.  
I thought she was giving birth.  I know - egg laying.  Then suddenly it
retracted inside her and she walked off to eat some grass??????????

Large internal organ-like thing that come out and go back in are usually what is called a penile prolapse. Daisy is actually Duke, and feeling his hormones.

Just as an FYI- it is illegal to keep California Desert Tortoises without a permit. You can contact to make sure things are kosher for you. The fines and penalties can be pretty nasty.

Good luck!