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box turtle sharing habitat with desert tortoises

22 16:14:49

Will it be ok for an ornate box turtle(female) about 5 years old to share habitat with several desert tortoises of varying sizes and both sexes.  I am aware of the diet differences of the two species.  The enclosure is a fully enclosed area about 8 x 10 ft in the back yard.  Thanks for your consideration of this question.

8'x10' would be considered rather small for several adult desert tortoises- these are a space-loving species.

As for mixing species, I don't think that is a big concern- but I thought the permits to keep Desert Tortoises did not allow them to be kept if they might breed, or to be kept with other species.

If you really have Desert Tortoises, but do not have permits for them, you may want to contact to get yours legal.

Good luck!