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My Tortoise is sick

22 16:16:44

My red-eared slider turtle is sick:It has saliva bubbles around its mouth, has not fed or defecated in two weeks, lethargic and is always basking never entering the water. Habitat -30 gal, river stone substrate, humidity is unknown(I live in Jamaica it is usually warm and humid), basking temp approx 85 degrees F. - No UVB artificial light...habitat is placed next to a window with direct sunlight. Food brand Nutrafin Max, fed X3 per week. Calcium block in water. Can you help?

2 weeks is an excessive amount of time to have waited, and I'm not sure if I can help. That depends on your willingness to travel to a veterinarian at this point. Under these circumstances they usually have mere days to live if no professional intervention is forthcoming.
I have been to Jamaica. Where do you live?

Placing the habitat next to a window is not sufficient. They need an outdoor habitat with natural sunlight, or they need a UVB lamp if they reside inside. No exceptions. Windows block UV and makes it useless. The diet is also insufficient.

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I was waiting on your follow up, and never received it. I cannot help if you don't follow up.

If the turtle is still alive and is still sick, then you may email for more assistance, as I will be on vacation from allexperts.