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Turtles... Info

22 16:01:43

Hello there, I was wondering if by any chance you know of someone in the Las Vegas, NV area that might be able to take 3 red ear slider turtles. We think they might be 2 males and 1 female. Each turtle is about 10-11 inches on the shell. We rescued them from a previous owner who couldn't take care of them anymore and they need more then what we can do for them.We are hoping someone could please help us since we want what is best for them. Please if you can help in any way... greatly appreciate it.

Hi Kat,

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find good homes for RES.  They are way too easy to get as cute hatchlings, but require a lot of room as adults, so many people dump them when they get too big.  Rescues are usually full of them.  You can try contacting the Southern Nevada Herp Society to see if they have any suggestions for you.  The best bet would be to find someone with a large outdoor pond, because three adult RES will need a considerable amount of room.  Their website is at  Good luck!