Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Box Turtle on its back

Box Turtle on its back

22 16:47:54


We found a box turtle crossing a road about a month ago.  We wre taking very good care ofit, buit it a wonderful home and the turtle was thriving in his outdoor habitat.  We came home today to find him on his back, dead.

We were told by aneighbor that once the box turtle rolls onto his back, since he is unable to roll over, will suffocate.  Can you verify this information.  My 7 year old daughter is trying to understand the reason for her friend's death.

Thank you.  

If they flip over and cannot turn back over, they can die from exposure, stress, hunger, and dehydration- which can happen quickly in some circumstances.

Box turtles can usually flip back over pretty easily- they are active and agile.

There are a hundred reasons this could have happened, but the turtle may well have just been old and/or infirm.

A good general box turtle site is