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Box turtle eating problems

22 16:14:03

I am caring for a box turtle who is not my own. He is a small three-toed box turtle.   I don't know his age or gender.   He only eats worms, his all-time favorite.   He's healthy and active when I take him out of his terrarium, but stays under his log when inside.   What's the problem here?

Nothing, really. Turtles as a whole don't like change, and a new keeper and being taken out of the cage counts as changes.

As long as the cage habitat is good, I would not worry. Typical numbers for box turtles are about 10-12 hours of gentle light, a warm area of about 82-85F, the lowest temp of about 72-75F, an overall humidity of about 60-70%, and a humid area of about 85+%.

Now- it is easy to be too warm or too bright, both of which can cause a turtle to hide in a cooler, shadier place. Obviously, I don't know if this is the case here, but checking basics is always a first step.

Good luck, and you can also try and